About the Blog: Easy VHS to DVD Recorder

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On my blog you will learn how to use Roxio Easy VHS to DVD software and the included USB video capture adapter. This allows you to transfer your old deteriorating VHS tapes to DVD discs which have a longer lifespan for archiving your irreplaceable family videos for years to come!

Now I'm sure you're thinking...”My VHS tapes are fine; I never play them and their just sitting on my bookshelf downstairs".  It makes sense that you're thinking that, if you don't use them they should be in perfect condition and play without any problems right?
Unfortunately, VHS tapes can begin to deteriorate even if you are not using them!  There are a variety of reasons why VHS tapes can experience video and audio loss. Most are due to the storage conditions of the VHS tapes.

If you think storing your VHS tapes in the proper storage conditions is going to be easy, take a look at my next page to find out a good way to store your VHS tapes for low video and audio loss.

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